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These are our staff members and values

We are a non-profit organization that supports women and their families that live in poverty who suffer from gynecological cancer, whether they are already affiliated with the National Cancer Institute or still in the diagnosis phase. In doing so, we aim to strengthen their support networks.

Meet our Staff

Dr. Paul Hindriks

Director General

Originally from The Netherlands, Paul has been living in Mexico City for eight years and has demonstrated a genuine interest in philanthropy and social impact since the beginning of his professional training. He has a PhD in Social Sciences from Utrecht University, has worked as a public servant in the Mexican federal government, as a consultant in the private sector, and as a visiting professor at the Center for Economic Research and Training. Throughout his career, he has obtained extensive experience in project management, public policy analysis, monitoring & evaluation, budget control and public relations. In his spare time, Paul enjoys swimming, travelling. At the Yatzil Foundation he is in charge of strategic planning, institutional development, and fundraising.

Mtro. Roberto Sánchez

Administration and Finance

Roberto was born and raised in Mexico City and has a Master’s Degree in Administration from the Intercontinental University, enabling him to obtain experience in the areas of Communication, Logistics and Administration, both in the public and private sector. Thanks to his remarkable eye for social work and health, he has actively participated in projects on cancer research and health provision to the Mexican population. Currently, he is a member of the Postgraduate Academic Subcommittee in Medical Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. In addition, he is a Human Rights activist advocating for the LGBTQ+ community. In his spare time he likes to travel, listen to music and find new social experiences.

Lic. Tania Hernández

Program Coordination

Tania was born in the state of Hidalgo and currently lives in Mexico City. She has a degree in Social Work from the National Polytechnic Institute, with training and certifications in individual, group and social care, as well as in strengthening civil society organizations. Due to her profound interest in social work, she has assisted several organizations with creating and improving their structure and intervention policies. In doing so, she has directly impacted different types of vulnerable populations. Tania’s hobbies include macramé, spending time with her family and volunteering for various organizations.

Our values


We work in a transparent and honest way, always. We always account for the donations we receive and the way in which they are spent. We publish thorough reports to our stakeholders and the general public.


We act from a genuine commitment to public service, professionalism and ethics. We put our beneficiaries and stakeholders first.


In all of our activities we take cultural and socioeconomic differences into account. Indeed, we deeply respect other people and work towards their inclusion and equality.


All of our actions are guided by the principals of well-being, fraternity, understanding and solidarity towards and among our interest groups.

Aligned with the 2030 sustainable development goal
SDG 3: Health and Well-being

Guarantee a healthy life and promote well-being for all at all ages.

We can all save lives